Good to see many of you at Monday’s Club meeting after the long summer break. Here’s a quick recap of the evening and announcements to keep everyone informed.
It was great to welcome back Dave Villa-Clarke to ESC after his year’s study leave. Dave took the helm as Toastmaster for the evening, and with his energy and humour, expertly steered the meeting. Everyone’s vocal cords, and listening skills, got warmed up with a creative story-telling exercise, dreamed up by Araba.

James’ C5 speech, “Don’t Look Down” won Best Speech for the evening against tough competition from Adam and Peter. Patrick, Sonia and Penny all gave constructive feedback in their evaluations, with Penny voted as Best Evaluator.
Bohwon led a well-prepared Topics session on the topical theme of the Olympics, with seven Topics speakers including three of our guests who belong to other Toastmaster clubs and are keen to join ESC also. Our own Dave Goodman managed to clench another Best Topics Speaker vote.
It was a first time for Araba as Warm-Up, Sonia as an Evaluator and Gillian as General Evaluator – really well done for stepping up and giving these roles a go.
Our next meeting on Monday 19 September is our club’s Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest, with Adam Jones and Patrick Ebbs as Contest Chairs. Look forward to seeing you all there.